Sunday Children’s Program
Text Liza Marcato to be on the Parents’ List: 413-854-8875
9:30 AM Celebrate Sundays & Festivals:
Songs, Story, Games & Art Activities that vary week to week
10:20 AM The Sunday Service for Children
+ + +
11:00 AM The Consecration of the Human Being
(Communion service open to all, for adults & teens)
10:00 AM - The Consecration of the Human Being
(Communion service open to all)
11 AM —12:30 PM - Coffeetime & Contemplation of the Gospel of John
10:00 AM - The Consecration of the Human Being
(Communion service open to all)
Not meeting: March 8, April 25, May 3
All are welcome regardless of faith background, age, race, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Anyone who seeks a rich religious practice that combines integrity of sacrament and freedom of belief in community with other striving Christians is welcome here,
wherever you are on your journey!
Calendar of Events

PA S S I O N T I D E | L E N T
March 23—April 19, 2025
The four weeks of entering into the depths of human suffering as Christ experienced it,
and walking with him as he unites himself with us
Sunday, March 23
12:00 PM Community Potluck Lunch
12:45 PM KASPAR HAUSER; The Open Secret of the Foundling Prince
Written & Performed by
Glen Williamson
Tuesday, March 25
7:00—8:30 PM Spiritualizing Our Lives: Adult Formation class series: What is Passiontide? A Look at the Epistle and Prayer of the Lenten festivalwith Rev. Liza Marcato. PLEASE RSVP! 413-854-8875
image: Black on Dark Sienna on Purple by Mark Rothko
Wednesday, March 26
10:00 AM The Consecration of the Human Being
11:00 AM—12:30 PM
Coffee + Contemplation on the Gospel of John
with Rev. Liza Joy Marcato
image: Resurrection (after Grünewald) by John Kohan
SATURDAY, March 29
10:00 AM The Consecration of the Human Being
9:30 AM
Sunday Children's Program
10:20 AM
The Sunday Service for Children
11:00 AM
The Consecration of Human Being
12:00 PM
Community Potluck Lunch
12:45—1:45 PM
100 YEARS with RUDOLF STEINER: In Service to Our Fullest Humanity, a talk by Rev. Liza Joy Marcato, on the occasion of Rudolf Steiner's 100th death anniversary
image: The Representative of Humanity between Lucifer and Ahriman
Rudolf Steiner and Edith Maryon
Tuesday, April 1
7:00—8:30 PM
Spiritualizing Our Lives: Adult Formation class series:
Rudolf Steiner's help in founding The Christian Community
with Rev. Liza Marcato.
PLEASE RSVP! 413-854-8875
image: Melchisedek, Ninetta Sombart
Wednesday, April 2
10:00 AM The Consecration of the Human Being
11:00 AM—12:30 PM
Coffee + Contemplation on the Gospel of John
with Rev. Liza Joy Marcato
image: Resurrection (after Grünewald) by John Kohan
Saturday, April 5
10:00 AM The Consecration of the Human Being
Our liturgical calendar follows the course of the Incarnation of Christ Jesus into the world of human beings and nature, and the birth of the Spirit within individual human beings and communal life. The festivals are celebrated year after year to allow an ever deeper relationship to the Christ mystery and the renewal of human and social life. We invite you to celebrate with us!
The four weeks of preparation for the birth of love, light and renewed life in the being of the Christ child
The celebration of the birth of the One who comes into the world to save humankind
The Light of Christ enters the earthly world and walks among us as the Star of Grace
Trinity (the in-between time)
We pray to the triune God who gifts us with being, creating power, and spiritual illumination
Passiontide (Lent)
The four weeks of entering into the depths of human suffering as Christ experienced it, and walking with him as he unites himself with us
The festival of the Resurrection! Over the forty days of Easter, the Risen One teaches the disciples about the Kingdom of God
The Risen One ascends, uniting himself with the earth as his new body, promising that he will be with us until the end of days
Pentecost (Whitsun)
The disciples receive Holy Spirit, tongues of flame descend upon them and they come to know Christ within, and go forth bearing this truth to humanity
(Trinity — the in-between time)
St. Johnstide
We look to the spirit of John the Baptist, who inspires all those seeking to follow Christ and serve divine love
(Trinity — the in-between time)
We look to the guiding spirit of the Archangel Michael who earnestly strives to aid humanity’s becoming and coming to know Christ in freedom
(Trinity — the in-between time)